A. Hassanabadi, H. Nassiri Moghaddam, H. Kermanshahi, J. Pourreza, D. Korver. Determination of Bicarbonate Retention Factor to Use in Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation Technique in Broiler Breeder Hens. jwss 2006; 9 (4) :181-189
Abstract: (20050 Views)
In the current experiment seven catheterized broiler breeder hens were used at 60 weeks of age. Retention of 14CO2 in the body of the hens following continuous infusion of NaH14CO3 during each of tow-30-hr continuous infusion studies was determined. Oxidation rate plateau was established within two hours in each experiment. Recovery of 14CO2 at the steady state in the first and second study were 91.09 and 87.55 percent respectively and were not significantly different. Mean breath 14CO2 recovery was 89.32 percent and hence retention was 10.68 percent. Recovery of 14CO2 in breath was not significantly affected by laying of egg or photoperiod. Recovery of 14CO2 during the fed state was significantly lower than the fasted state. The results of this experiment indicated that, using of uncorrected data for the retained isotope into body, lead to 10.68 percent AA requirements underestimation in broiler breeder hens by indicator amino acid oxidation technique.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2006/01/15