, khormali@yahoo.com
Abstract: (37781 Views)
Gypsum is the most common sulfate mineral in soils of arid and semi-arid regions. Two hundred million hectares of the earth’s surface and about 28 million hectares of Iranian arid soils are covered by gypsiferous soils. The studied soils consist of alluvial plane and eolian plains in northern Iran. Soils were classified as Haplocambids, Aquisalids and Endoaquepts. In this study, genesis, formation and development of gypsum in soils were investigated. Study area includes different geomorphic surfaces from the upper watershed to alluvial plains. Gypsum crystals without considering their size, shape, arrangement are determined as pedogenic. In the weakly-developed horizons, in aridic moisture regimes, formation of euhedral pedogenic gypsum crystals and incomplete infilling of voids was dominant. In the well-developed soils, in xeric moisture regime, gypsum crystals are oriented and the perpendicular in arrangement of crystals along pores is dominants. Gypsum crystals occur in different shapes such as lenticular, tabular, and rosette-like and fan arrangement. Origin of gypsum in weakly-developed soils was weathered gypsiferous marls in upper Atrak basin. The source of gypsum in the soils with shallow ground water is high content of sulfate dissolved in soil solutions. In horizons affected by fluctuation of ground water contaning sulphur, euhedral tabular shape is dominant. In well-developed soils, based on Snowball morphology, gypsum is classified as stage II nodule. Results showed that there is no relationship between formation of the snowball morphology, b-fabric and kind of diagnostic horizons (A, B and C).
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2010/09/20 | Published: 2010/04/15