Abstract: (28370 Views)
Because of many small florets and protandry, cross pollination in onion which is a biennial plant, by using polycross method for breeding is suitable and easy. To produce polycross seed, bulbs of 9 self onion genotypes were planted in the shape of equilibrium lattice design for 9 treatments with 10 replications on May 2002. To study some agronomical characteristicss, the polycross seeds produced from free pollination and original self-fed seeds (totally 18 genotypes) were planted in plots as a randomized block design with four replications. Samples were taken from each plot and different characteristics were measured. Results showed that polycross generally increased plant fresh and dry weight, plant height, percentage of off type bulbs and yield, with no effect on bulbing ratio and time to ripening. Although polycross increased most agronomical characteristics and yield in Kashan, Azarshahr and Kazeroon genotypes, in some genotypes little increase or even negative effects resulted due to interaction between genotype and polycross. With more assessment of polycross genotypes, good characteristics will be fixed and seeds with higher qualities will be produced.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2009/03/2 | Published: 2008/10/15