Volume 11, Issue 42 (winter 2008)                   jwss 2008, 11(42): 345-355 | Back to browse issues page

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Hashemi S, Arab Khedri M. Evaluation of EPM Model by Sediment Measurement in Reservoirs of Small Dams. jwss 2008; 11 (42) :345-355
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-792-en.html
Abstract:   (30546 Views)

  In order to quantitatively evaluate the sediment yield in ungauged basins, it is necessary to use empirical models. The EPM model, as a model which is using in Iran, has sometimes been evaluated. Most evaluations have often been conducted by using river's sediment information and direct measurements of dam reservoir sedimentation have been less used, while the sediment measurement method on reservoir is more carefully. 9 small watersheds from Semnan province (Iran) were selected in this research. There is a small earth dam which have been built on the outlet of each watershed in the past years that them age is 10 years. These dams have not been weirs since they have been building to now. Therefore total of sediment yield volumes of each watershed are entrapped in the dam reservoirs. The volume of sediments deposited in reservoir were calculated by surveying. Sediment's apparent specific weights were measured in each reservoir and the volume of sediments transformed into sediments weight. By EPM model the volume and weight of sediment yield were estimated. Values of sediment yield measured in reservoirs were compared with estimated values by t-test. The results showed that at level 5%, there was not any significant difference between sediment yield values estimated in reservoirs by EPM model in comparison with values of volume and weight which were measured. But determination of performance and relative root mean square error showed that EPM model has low efficiency for estimation of sediment yield in the case study of watersheds.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/08/13 | Published: 2008/01/15

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