M. Vatankhah, M. Moradi-Sharbabak, A. Nejati-Javaremi, S. R. Miraei-Ashtiani, R. Vaez-Torshizi. A Study of External Fat-Tail Dimensions and Their Relationships With Fat-Tail Weight in Lori-Bakhtiari Breed of Sheep. jwss 2006; 10 (3) :445-456
Abstract: (19834 Views)
In this study external fat-tail dimensions (upper, middle and lower width, length, length of gap, depth and upper circumference) and fat-tail weights collected on 724 Lori-Bakhtiari sheep were used to study external fat-tail dimensions and their relationships with fat-tail weights. Sheep were 3 months to 6 years old and slaughtered at the industrial slaughter house of Joneghan in Chaharmohal and Bakhtiari province in 2003. The mean of fat-tail dimensions were estimated as 15.83, 23.85, 24.73, 26.52, 14.96, 14.12 and 52.59 cm for upper width, middle width, lower width, length, length of gap, depth and upper circumference, respectively. Fat-tail weight varied from 0.10 to 20.60 with overall mean of 2.71 kg. Fat-tail percentage varied from 1.18 to 37.18 with overall mean of 11.87 percent. The effects of fixed factors of age, sex and body condition of sheep on all of traits were highly significant (p<0.0001). The least square means of all traits except fat-tail percentage were increased with increasing age of sheep. Lowest least square mean (± s.e) of 2.12 ± 0.25 kg fat-tail weight and 7.91 ± 0.72% fat-tail were observed for sheep having body condition score of 1 and the highest least square mean with fat-tail weight of 9.84 ± 0.56 kg and fat-tail percentage of 20.59 ± 1.63 were observed for sheep having body condition score of 5. Estimation of correlation coefficients among external fat-tail dimensions and fat-tail weight were positive and varied from 0.60 between upper fat-tail width and fat-tail weight to 0.83 between upper circomference of fat-tail and fat-tail weight. Upper circumference of fat-tail accounted for %69.5 of variation of fat-tail weight. This study showed that fat-tail weight in live sheep of Lori-Bakhtiari could be estimated using external fat-tail dimensions with very high accuracy (r = 0.904).
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2006/10/15