Abstract: (23334 Views)
Increasing application of herbicides such as atrazine raises concerns about soil and groundwater pollution. This study investigated spatial and temporal variation of atrazine concentration and its transportation in the Daneshkadeh soil series (Fine, mixed, mesic, Calcixerollic Xerochrepts) at the experimental field of Agricultural College, Shiraz University. The risk of soil and water contamination due to applying atrazine was also assessed. The PRZM-2 model was evaluated for the simulation of the atrazine concentration. The experiment had 3 plots, 209 m2 each (19 by 11 m). Atrazine was applied on corn at a rate of 3.5 kg a.i./ha per plot. During the growing season, soil samples were collected from each plot 7 times through 1 m soil depth with 0.10-m increments. The observed data showed temporal reduction of atrazine concentrations in the soil profile. The maximum depth of atrazine traced was about 50 cm below the soil surface. Statistical parameters ME, RMSE, EF, and CRM were obtained to compare PRZM-2 predicted and observed soil residue concentrations. For all data, the mentioned parameters were calculated and found to be 2.78 mg/kg-soil, 12.73 mg/kg-soil, 0.49, and 0.25, respectively. The simulation results were in close agreement with the observed data. Therefore, PRZM-2 could be used for simulation of atrazine transport and groundwater pollution.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2003/04/15