Volume 23, Issue 4 (winter 2020)                   jwss 2020, 23(4): 55-67 | Back to browse issues page

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Iranpour Mobarakeh M, Koch M. Validation of SUTRA Model for Different Salinity Transport Scenarios in a Heterogeneous Sand Tank to Evaluate Transverse Dispersivity. jwss 2020; 23 (4) :55-67
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-3778-en.html
1. Department of Civil Engineering, Lenjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran. , mehran.iranpour.mo@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4218 Views)
Nowadays, with the increasing population in Iran, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, as a result of the growing importance of the quality of water resources, including groundwater, field experiments and many simulations have been conducted for the development of groundwater contamination through powerful and up- to- date software. However, in most cases, there is a tangible difference between the measured data in laboratories and the data produced with software; this is why the scientific validation and verification of the research results could be declined. In this study, in order to justify and correct these data, the calibration principle was used to minimize the error of testing and modeling. The purpose of this study was to validate and verify the SUTRA model for different scenarios of the solute transport in a sand tank with heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity to evaluate transverse dispersivity. In this study, coding was initially performed for the configuration and calibration of the SUTRA numerical model to simulate different scenarios of the solute transport in a heterogeneous sand Tank in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Kassel, Germany, until acceptable values were obtained. Then the results were compared with the experimental model. In order to validate and verify the data obtained from the simulation with the SUTRA model, the relevant concentration profiles were compared with the results of the experimental model. The results of the numerical and laboratory models revealed the density effects by sinking the geometric center of the mixing zone for the low concentrations of salt, C0 = 250 ppm. The results also showed that the width of the mixing zone between salt and fresh water depended on the amount of longitudinal dispersivity, especially the transverse dispersivity. By analyzing the results of simulation and experiment, it was observed that with increasing the velocity, reducing the amount of sinking and raising the input concentration, the time needed to achieve the steady dispersion was decreased.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2018/09/21 | Accepted: 2018/12/22 | Published: 2020/02/29

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