Volume 16, Issue 61 (fall 2012)                   jwss 2012, 16(61): 83-95 | Back to browse issues page

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M. Farasati, S. Boroomandnasab, J. Abedi Koupai, N. Jafarzadeh, H. Moazed, M. Saiedian. Nitrate Contaminated Water Treatment Using Micro and Nanostructured Sugarcane Straw. jwss 2012; 16 (61) :83-95
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-2431-en.html
, farasati2760@gmail.com
Abstract:   (14543 Views)
The effect of sugarcane straw anion exchanger with Micro and Nanostructure scale as the adsorbent for contaminated water treatment was investigated. The effects of operating conditions such as adsorbent loading, initial anion concentration, pH and the presence of competitive ions on the adsorption performances were examined. Equilibrium time and pH and adsorbent dosage were 3h, 6 and 0.5g respectively. The effect of initial concentration on the adsorption of NO3- ions by sugarcane straw anion exchanger was investigated by varying solution concentrations (5-120 mg L-1) using 0.5g adsorbent dose. For micro and nanostructures, adsorption capacity was (0.38-6.94 mg g-1) and (0.44-7.51 mg g-1) respectively. In the column experiment, for micro and nanostructures with (15, 50 and 120 mg L-1) and 0.98 L hr-1 flow rate, adsorption capacity was (8.73, 25.71and 36.25 mg g-1) and (12, 27 and 48.15 mg g-1) respectively. The result of this study indicated that sugarcane straw anion exchanger with micro and nanostructure scale could be used for the removal of nitrate ions in the contaminated water treatment. sugarcane straw anion exchanger -nanostructure adsorbent had higher adsorption than micro adsorbent for nitrate removal.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2012/12/26 | Published: 2012/10/15

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