, Akbary87@gmail.com
Abstract: (19294 Views)
Over-parameterization is a well-known and often described problem in hydrological models, especially in distributed models. Therefore, using special methods to reduce the number of parameters via sensitivity analysis is important to achieve efficiency. This paper describes a sensitivity analysis strategy that graphically assigns for each parameter a relative sensitivity index and relationship of the parameter and the outputs of the model. The method is illustrated with an application of SWAT model in the Chehelchai catchment, Golestan province. In this study, total water yield, along with four major parts of water budget including surface runoff, lateral flow, groundwater and evapotranspiration was selected as objective function. SWAT is a river basin model that can be used to predict the impact of land management practices on water, sediment and agricultural chemical yield in watersheds. A relative sensitivity index was used for ranking the sensitivity of parameters. The results showed that soil evaporation compensation facto (ESCO), CN, soil available water capacity (SOL-AWC), deep aquifer percolation fraction (RCHRG-DP) and soil bulk density (SOL-BD) have the most influence on river flow. These parameters are generally stated as the most sensitive parameters of SWAT model in most of the same researches worldwide
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2012/03/5 | Accepted: 2013/02/26 | Published: 2014/06/11