Volume 15, Issue 57 (fall 2011)                   jwss 2011, 15(57): 171-181 | Back to browse issues page

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M. Ansari Azabadi, H.Shirani, H. Dashti, A. Tajabadipur. Effect of Calcium Carbonate and Gypsum on Yield, Yield Elements, Iron, Copper and Zinc Uptake by Corn at Two Soil Textures. jwss 2011; 15 (57) :171-181
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1867-en.html
, shirani379@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (25840 Views)
Calcareous and gypsiferous soils are restricting factors for uptake of some plant nutrient elements and plant production. Most soils in Iran are calcareous and gypsiferous. Therefore, the aim of this study was the evaluation of calcium carbonate (Caco3) and gypsum effect on availability of some nutrients and corn growth. This study was conducted in a greenhouse at Vli-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan. Treatments were arranged in a factorial manner as a completely randomized design with three replications. Treatments were three levels of Caco3 (0, 20 and 40 g/100g soil), gypsum at three levels (0, 15 and 30 g/100g soil) and two soil textures (Sand and Silt clay loam). Results indicate that irrespective of soil texture, Caco3 application significantly decreased leaf area (by 80% and 15% for sand and silty clay loam texture, respectively), dry weight (by 80% and 15% respectively), plant height (regressed on Caco3 percentage by slopes -0.7 and -0.15 for sand and silty clay loam respectively), and shoot Fe (-9.67 and -11.3) and Zn (-0.24 and -1) uptake, but had no significant effect on shoot Cu uptake. In sandy soil, application of gypsum, significantly decreased leaf area (80%), dry weight (62%), and shoot Cu uptake (slope= -1.93), but had no significant effect on plant height and shoot Zn uptake. Gypsum application significantly reduced shoot Fe uptake (slope= -24.86) in fine textured soil, but it had no significant effect in coarse textured soil.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2011/12/28 | Published: 2011/10/15

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