Volume 15, Issue 57 (fall 2011)                   jwss 2011, 15(57): 11-22 | Back to browse issues page

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S.H. Tabatabaei, M. Ghazali. Accuracy of Interpolation Methods in Estimating the Groundwater Level (Case Study: Farsan- Jooneghan and SefidDasht Aquifers). jwss 2011; 15 (57) :11-22
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1856-en.html
, stabaei@agr.sku.ac.ir
Abstract:   (18347 Views)
The accuracy and precision of the input data in decision making is important. Error originates from data collection, data entry, storage, retrieval and analysis of the data which consequently result in model error. One of the errors in spatial analysis is interpolation error. The main objective of this research was the suitability assessment of some interpolation methods for estimation of groundwater level in Farsan-Joneghan and Sefiddasht aquifers, located in Beheshtabad catchment, Chaharmahl-Va-Bakhtiyari province, Iran. Cross-validation technique was employed for the determination of each method's error. The RMSE and MAE indices were used for the error comparison. The results show that the modified Shapard's method with an MAE=6 and RMSE=7 was the most accurate for interpolation of groundwtaer level in the Sefiddasht aquifer. The inverse distance power method with MAE=6 and RMSE=9 was the best interpolation method for Farsan-Jonaghan aquifer. The Kriging with MAE=7 and RMSE=12 is the second best method in these aquifers. The moving average, minimum curvature and polynomial regression procedures produce the maximum error in the aquifers (17
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2011/12/28 | Published: 2011/10/15

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