Volume 18, Issue 67 (Spring 2014)                   jwss 2014, 18(67): 71-81 | Back to browse issues page

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M.Salehipour Baversad, H.Ghorbani, M.Afyuni, H.KheirAbadi. The Potential Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals on Human Health in Some Agricultural Products in Isfahan Province. jwss 2014; 18 (67) :71-81
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1852-en.html
, afyuni@cc.iut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (12276 Views)
Regards to the importance of using safe vegetables, controlling the concentrations of heavy metals is necessary for consumer's health. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the potential risk of heavy metals on human health for non-cancerous and cancerous diseases through consumption of agricultural products in Isfahan province. The samples were included wheat, rice, carrots, onions, leafy vegetables and potatoes which were collected randomly from the studied area. In order to assess the risk of non-cancerous diseases, Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) and Hazard Index (HI) were calculated for a specific element as well as combinations of different elements. The results showed that the THQ for arsenic was more than one in wheat and was less than one for other heavy metals if one product is consumed. This indicates that the likely effects of arsenic for noncancerous diseases of wheat are not alone, rather they are for other elements in various products. Risk indicators for men and women are 2.6 and 2.9 respectively, which indicates the effects of noncancerous diseases resulting from consumption of products. Cancer risk due to arsenic in samples of wheat consumption is higher than the Onion and potential cancer risk for this disease for this element is in the middle. The parameters for the lead element in both cases is low.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2011/12/26 | Accepted: 2013/08/18 | Published: 2014/06/2

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