Volume 15, Issue 56 (sumer 2011)                   jwss 2011, 15(56): 127-140 | Back to browse issues page

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Z. Naderizadeh, H. Khademi. Effect of Organic Matter on Potassium Uptake from Di- and Tri-octahedral Micas by Alfalfa. jwss 2011; 15 (56) :127-140
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1712-en.html
, hkhademi@cc.iut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (32922 Views)
Many studies have been carried out on the effect of organic matter on soil physical, chemical, biological, and nutritional properties, including the effect of organic matter on the availability of such elements as P, N and heavy metals. There is, however, no information on the effect of organic matter on potassium uptake from micaceous minerals. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organic matter on potassium uptake from micaceous minerals released by alfalfa. An experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with factorial combination and three replicates. Growth medium was a mixture of quartz sand, micaceous mineral (muscovite or phlogopite) and organic matter (0, 0.5 and 1 %). Rehnani cultivar of alfalfa was used in the experiment. During 120 days of cultivation, plants were irrigated with either complete or K-free nutrient solution and distilled water as needed. At the end of cultivation, plant shoots and roots were separately harvested and their K concentration was measured by flame photometer following dry ash extraction. Under the K-free nutrient solution, a significant increase in biomass occurred in pots containing phlogopite and organic matter as compared to those with no organic matter amendment. Also, under K-free condition, potassium concentration in shoot was above the threshold value only in phlogopite amended pots. There was no significant difference in K concentration among different levels of organic matter in control treatment as well as in muscovite added treatment. Under both nutrient solutions treatments, significant increase of K uptake occurred in pots containing phlogopite and organic matter, as compared to those without it. In contrast, under K free nutrient solution, organic matter amendment could not enhance the K uptake in pots containing dioctahedral mica (muscovite). Root activities and organic matter decomposition appear to have increased rhizosphere acidity which, in turn, facilitate the K release from trioctahedral mica (phlogopite) in K deficient medium. Thus, the effect of organic matter on K release greatly depends on the type of micaceous mineral.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2011/10/10 | Published: 2011/07/15

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