Volume 14, Issue 53 (fall 2010)                   jwss 2010, 14(53): 129-143 | Back to browse issues page

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A.A. Besalatpour, M.A. Hajabbasi, V. Dorostkar, GH. Torabi. Reclamation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils Using Combined Landfarming-Phytoremediation Method . jwss 2010; 14 (53) :129-143
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1339-en.html
, a_besalatpour@ag.iut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (39350 Views)
Presence of petroleum contaminants in soil may be toxic to human and organisms and act as a source of ground water contamination hence, remediation of these compounds from environment is vital. In this study, first the feasibility of remediation of two petroleum-contaminated soil samples around Tehran Oil Refinery (oil refinery landfill and agricultural soils) was assessed using landfarming technique during a four month experimental period. The elimination of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) from soils treated through landfarming technique was then investigated in the rhizosphere of agropyron and fescue. The results showed that microbial respiration increased due to landfarming processes in both soils. Urease activity in the landfarming treatment for agricultural soil was 21, 45, 26, and 23% higher than the control at the end of first to the 4th months of experiment, respectively. However, no significant differences were observed between the landfarming and control treatments for landfill soil at the end of experiment. Furthermore, about 50 and 57% reduction in TPH-concentration was observed in the landfarming treatment for landfill and agricultural soils at the end of experiment, respectively. In the phytoremediation study, presence of TPHs in both landfarming and control treatments reduced dry matter yield of the studied plants. Urease activity in the rhizosphere of fescue and agropyron was higher than in the unplanted soil. Degradation of petroleum-compounds in the landfill soil under landfarming treatment was more than 20 and 40% in the presence of fescue and agropyron, respectively. The influence of agropyron on TPH-removal from agricultural soil under the landfarming treatment was also higher than fescue.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2010/12/27 | Published: 2010/10/15

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