Volume 14, Issue 52 (sumer 2010)                   jwss 2010, 14(52): 149-162 | Back to browse issues page

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Omidi L, Dashti H, Mozaffari V, Tajabadipour A. Effect of Foliar and Soil Application of Zinc and Copper on Some Quantitative and Qualitative Properties of Pistachio Trees . jwss 2010; 14 (52) :149-162
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1231-en.html
, vmozafary@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (34164 Views)
This study was carried out to evaluate the application of zinc and copper sulfate by different methods such as foliar application and deep-placement and time of application on the some quantitative and qualitative properties of pistachio trees. For this purpose, a complete randomized block design experiment with 12 fertilizer treatments and 3 replications at 2 consecutive years was conducted in the experimental garden of Rafsanjan. Treatments included deep-placement of medium amounts (54.2 and 11.1 kg/ha of elemental Zn and of Cu respectively) and high amounts (81.3 and 16.7 kg/ha of Zn and of Cu respectively), foliar application of 0.15 kg/ha elemental Cu in the form of Cu sulfate and 1.8 kg/ha of the elemental Zn in the form of Zn sulfate (34%) at the rate of 1000 liter water on Esfand (late dormant), Farvardin (after flowering) and Mehr (post harvest) . Results indicated that in first year, the maximum yield was obtained with foliar application of Cu on Esfand. Also, qualitative properties such as Split/non split ratio significantly increased by above treatment. The protein content increased with foliar application of Cu on Esfand and Zn on Farvardin by 22 and 16.5%, respectively compared to the control. The analysis of leaf samples, demonstrated that the foliar spray of Cu+Zn on Esfand increased Zn leaf by 119% as compared with control. In second year, yield increased by the foliar application of Zn on Esfand. Also, qualitative properties such as the number of seeds per ounce significantly increased by foliar application of Cu on Mehr. The highest and the lowest rate of split/non-split ratios were observed in treatments of high and low localized placement. The protein content decreased in the treatment of high deep placement as compared to the control. Foliar spray of Zn on Esfand caused the highest increase of leaf Zn concentration and foliar spray of Cu and Zn+Cu in Mehr increased significantly Cu leaf. The results indicated that the effects of treatments on oil content and stem nutrients concentration were not significant on two years. Due to saline and lime effects in the soil in pistachio orchards, soil application of micronutrients had no significant on the the yield.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2010/09/20 | Published: 2010/07/15

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