Ephtekhari A, Farahpour M, Arzani H, Abdolahi J. Assessing the Species Grazed by Wildlife (Gazelle) and Livestock (Sheep & Goat) in Steppe Rangelands of Poshtkoh Region of Yazd Province, Iran. jwss 2009; 13 (47) :367-379
, alireza_ephtekhari@yahoo.com
Abstract: (28186 Views)
Species which were grazed by livestock and wildlife in range sites and the portion taken by each animal were the subject of this study. Two sites occupied with Scariola orientalis (Boiss.) Sojak and Artemisia sieberi Besser and another with Aellenia subaphyla (C.A.Mey.)Aellen and Artemisia sieberi were selected for the study. These sites were already established by Yazd Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Sites should be covered with similar vegetation (72% similarity), as much as possible indeed. One site, by the name of Kalmand, is a protected area and is exclusively grazed by Iranian gazelle, while the other, Jadehdehshir, by sheep and goat. Results of the study show that the selection of species is the same by these animals. Both are interested in the following species: Artemisia sieberi, Scariola orientalis, Bromus tectorum L, Stipa barbata Desf. , Noaea mucronata (Forsk.) A schers.et Schweinf, and Launaea acanthodes (Boiss.)o.Kuntze. On the contrary, species such as Acantholimon scorpiurs (Joub. &Spach) Boiss, Astragalus albispinus L were not taken by the animal for their woody stems and thorny branches. Fresh and non woody parts of the plants were grazed by both types of animal. Similarity between grazing behavior of wildlife and livestock in Yazd province shows that wildlife feed requirement should be seriously taken into account when grazing capacity of rangelands is to be evaluated.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2010/05/10 | Published: 2009/04/15