, mkopahi@ut.ac.ir
Abstract: (27342 Views)
Risk and uncertainty have an important role in determining farmers' goals and their decision making. Risk affects optimal use of inputs and production efficiency. Using production inputs especially new inputs is one of the effective factors in production risk hence, it is necessary to obtain information about inputs use risk in order to find solution to risk management. For investigating effect of inputs use on production risk of rice crop in Gilan province, a quadratic form of production function was applied. Mean production function indicates constant return to scale. Also, risk production function shows increasing acreage and use of fertilizer cause increase in production risk of rice crop. Therefore, consolidating program of rice acreages and policy of paying subsidies to fertilizer input should be managed by considering producers' conditions.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2010/04/4 | Published: 2009/07/15