A. Talebi, A. H. Charkhabi, H. R. Peyrowan, A. A. Hashemi, H. Mosaddegh. Evaluating Effective Factors in Erosion and Sediment Yield in Marl Lithology by Rain Simulator: (Case study, Hablehroud Basin in Semnan Province). jwss 2013; 16 (62) :13-23
, a.talebi77@hotmail.com
Abstract: (21189 Views)
The Marls are unstable sedimentary formations that contain chemical materials and destructive particles. Marls Erosion processes are very intensive, so different forms of erosion on the marls as badlands are of specific characteristics in marl lands. Hence, recognition of effective characteristics in marls erodibility is necessary to adopt corrective measures and methods. In this research, for assessing marls erodibility in Hablehroud watershed portable rain simulator was used. Runoff and sediment amounts were measured in each marl unit. Then effective Factors were identified using statistical parameters. Finally, by factor analysis we determined the relationship between marls chemical properties and sediment yield. Therefore, effective parameters of erosion and sediment yield were determined. Results showed sediment yield is decreased in gypsum marl, sandy marl, salt marl and limy marl. In addition, erosion and sediment yield are increased with increasing EC, Na, Cl, SAR and with decreasing TNV, HCO3
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2013/03/13 | Published: 2013/03/15