JWSS - Isfahan University of Technology- About the Journal
About The Journal

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Journal of

Water  and  Soil  science

  A refereed publication, The Journal of Water and Soil Science has been published by thd Colleges of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. As one of the most valid and scholarly journals in thd country the journal is published in Farsi, along with the abstracts in English as well.
 This journal was established in 1997 and since Aug. 1997 has been established quarterly (4 issues per year). In Dec. 1999, The State Commission for the Evaluation of Scientific Journals ranked the journal research-based and scientific, thd highest scientific status set for the domestic publications.
This journal is basically dedicated to promoting scholarly exchanges among professors, researchers, and students of different universities, and research institutes, focusing in particular on the exploration of cutting-edge knowledge on agriculture and natural resources.
The journal publishes the most up-to date manuscripts that advance understanding in the areas of specialization. Before the print version is out, the journal can be electronically accessed as PDF or HTML files for free at:

  http:// jstnar .iut.ac.ir

  The journal is indexed and abstracted in:

  - CAB Abstract International 

  - ASCI-Asian Science Citation Index 
 - Directiory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
 - Ebsco
 - ISC

Publisher: Isfahan University of Technology
Director-in-Charge: Mohammad Shahedi
Editor-in-Chief: Jahangir Abedi-Koupai
Adress: Journal of Water and Soil Science,Publications Office, Central Library, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 84156-83111.
Tel: 031-33912793
Fax: 031-33912626
Website: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir
Email: jwssof.iut.ac.ir

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