Volume 2, Issue 4 (winter 1999)                   jwss 1999, 2(4): 89-104 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (20560 Views)

This research was conducted over a period of one year from the beginning of spring until mid autumn in 1996, during the bloom of all flowering plants in the region, when pollinator bees were collected with insect veil. Some of them were preserved in 80% ethylalcohol and some were dried, coded, kept in insect box and transferred to the laboratory for identification. The collected insects were identified to 7 families and 19 genera as follows 37 species from among them were identified to species level and 40 species were identified to genus level:

 1- Colletidae: Colletes (Colletes sp.)

2- Andrenidae: Andrena (A. thoracica, A. labialis, A. apicata, A. personata, A. erytrogaster, A. kalmiae, Andrena sp.), Melitturga (M. clavicornis, M. sp.)

3- Halictidae: Halictus (H. brunescens, H. senilis, H. squamosus, H. asperulus, H. resurgens), Lasioglossum (L. discum, L. epipygial, L. nigripes, L. villosulum, L. pygmaeum), Nomia (Nomia sp.).

4- Melittidae: Melitta (M. leporina)

5- Megachilidae: Megachile (M. rotundata, M. maritima, M. concina, M. frigida), Chalicodoma (C. georgica, C. rubripes, Chalicodoma sp.), Osmia (O. cornifrons, O. taurus, O. uncinata), Anthidium (A. florentinum, Anthidium sp.)

6- Anthophoridae: Anthophora (Anthophora sp.), Amegilla (A. quadrifasciata, A. albigena, Amegilla sp.), Eucera (E. nitidiventris), Tetralonia (Tetralonia sp.), Xylocopa (X. iranica, X. valga, X. pubescens, Xylocopa sp.), Proxylocopa (P. nitidiventris, P. rufa, Proxylocopa sp.)

7- Apidae: Apis (A. mellifera), Bombus (Bombus sp.)

 A key to the separate genera level and a complete key to the genera level for the Apoidea is produced and presented for each of the above named families collected in the north of Fars province.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 1999/01/15

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