Volume 2, Issue 4 (winter 1999)                   jwss 1999, 2(4): 49-64 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (32224 Views)
This study addresses the methodology of studying spatial variability of soil salinity. The information used is based on a semi-detailed soil survey, followed by a free survey, conducted in Ramhormoz, Khuzestan. The study of soil salinity variations was carried out using about 600 sampling points with an average distance of 500 m, at three depths of 0-50, 50-100, and 100-150 cm. To determine the spatial variability of soil salinity at different depths, the variogram which is a statistical function for the spatial variability analysis of the geographical variables was used. The results indicate that all variograms show almost the same range of 12 - 13 km which is closely related to the geographical distribution of the soil parent materials in the area. Ordinary block kriging was used to map salinity at different depths for a block dimension of 500 × 500 m. A comparison between the kriged estimates and the soil salinity map, produced during the soil survey, showed that the overall similarity between the test data and the classified kriging estimates was 40%, while the overall agreement between the test data and the soil survey salinity map was 36%. A detailed similarity calculation showed that the reliability of the classified kriging estimates representing the lowest salinity classes (S0, S1) is larger (75%) than the reliability of the soil survey salinity map representing these classes (50%). Consequently, the results indicate that geostatistical tools can be used to support the present-day procedures of soil salinity mapping.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 1999/01/15

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