Volume 5, Issue 1 (spring 2001)                   jwss 2001, 5(1): 207-219 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (20728 Views)
In order to study the parasitoid flies of Sunn pest in Isfahan, this research was conducted during the years 1997-1998. The results indicated that the dominant species of parasitoid fly is Phasia subcoleoptrata L. This species has two generations per year and over winters as pupae in soil under the shrubs of aestivation and hibernation places of Sunn pest and remains there until the following spring. The adults of the first generation of this parasitoid emerge from the pupae before the Sunn pest migrate to the grain fields and parasitize on the Sunn pest at the time of migration. About 6-8 days after the flies lay eggs in the body of Sunn pests, parasitoid larvae hatch from the eggs and grow in the body of their host. Larval period of parasitoid lasts about 15-20 days and then they fall on to the soil and pupate. In the laboratory, the length of pupal period for males and females is 17 and 18.5 days, respectively, for the first generation. Flies of the second generation of the parasitoid parasitize the fifth nymphal instar and the new adults of the Sunn pest.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2001/04/15

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