Volume 17, Issue 66 (winter 2014)                   jwss 2014, 17(66): 135-145 | Back to browse issues page

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, mcsadr1@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (12068 Views)
In this study, the influence of spatial heterogeneity of rainfall on flood hydrograph prediction in three mountainous catchments in south west of Iran was studied. Two interpolation techniques including Thiessen polygons method and Inverse Distance Weighting method were applied to compare the rainfall patterns of surrounding rain-gages in hydrograph simulation with rainfall patterns of nearest rain-gage from the catchment outlet. It was found that the best simulated hydrograph is obtained from rainfall pattern of the nearest rain gage. Moreover, the results did not show any relationship between spatial variation of rainfall and outlet hydrograph. Formation of different local rainfall patterns due to non-stationary rainfall field provoked by irregular topography and their effect on interpolation procedure caused important biases in interpolated rainfall hyetographs obtained by Thiessen and IDW methods. It seems that the observed biases in the response of the catchments are the result of inaccurate representation of spatially averaged rainfall rather than its spatial variability. Hence, in mountainous catchments with irregular topography, the lack of sufficient records caused by poor rain gage arrangement can be highlighted as the dominant source of uncertainty in modeling the spatial variations of rainfall.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2012/02/14 | Accepted: 2013/01/26 | Published: 2014/02/10

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