Volume 12, Issue 46 (1-2009)                   jwss 2009, 12(46): 683-691 | Back to browse issues page

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, mkaeghbal@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (32314 Views)
Salinization and alkalization are considered spatiotemporal dynamic soil degradation processes. In order to investigate the effects of agricultural activities on land degradation and soil salinity, Shamsabad area in Qom province was selected. Aerial photos (1955) and satellite images (1990-2002) were used to examine the changes in land use. Soil samples were collected from 25 locations in the study area from 0-50 cm and 51-100 cm depth at each location. For comparative purposes, sampling locations in this study were similar to locations used for salinity study in 1983. For each sample, pH, electrical conductivity (ECe), base saturation percentage, exchangeable sodium, lime and texture were measured. Land use and salinity maps were created by using geographic information system (GIS) softwares. Results revealed an increase of 9.5 times in cultivated lands in 47 years. Increase in agricultural activities in the study area has also intensified the pressure on water resource in the area, lowering ground water tables and degrading water quality. In the 0-50 cm soil depth, the average soil ECe was 6.5 dS/m in 1983, which increased to 10.7 dS/m in 2005. If soil salinity trend and pressure on water resources continue, large part of Shamsabad area is expected to change to desert in near future years.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2010/06/19 | Published: 2009/01/15

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