, Jafar@shirazu.ac.ir
Abstract: (22056 Views)
The Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) known as the dominant mode of tropical and extratropical intraseasonal variability has an important role in the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. This study investigates the eastward propagation of the MJO and its impact on monthly (February-April) maximum and minimum precipitation in Fars Province. The positive and negative phases of MJO were categorized for the period 1979-2002. The maximum and minimum values of monthly precipitation was then determined for each phase as well as for the entire length of records. The given results have indicated that, in February, both maximum and minimum precipitation during negative phase were significantly greater than the corresponding values during the positive phase. This implies that the enhanced February precipitation and flood events are associated to the negative MJO phase. On the other hand, severe water shotage in February was linked with prevalence of the positive phase. The results for April were mostly found to be similar to February except that minimum precipitation was not significantly associated to the positive phase. In contrast to February, minimum monthly precipitation in March was found to coincide with the negative MJO phase. Maximum precipitation, however, could coincide with neither of extreme phases of MJO.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2010/06/16 | Published: 2009/01/15