Volume 4, Issue 4 (winter 2001)                   jwss 2001, 4(4): 57-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (31801 Views)

This study was conducted to evaluate the response of 18 rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to callus induction and plant regeneration from immature embryo culture, using three media (MS, LS and N6). To evaluate callus induction rate, the following criteria were used: callus diameter, callus fresh weight and callus dry weight. Percentage of callus water content was also measured. After transferring the produced calli from the induction media to a regeneration medium (MSR), percentage of plant regeneration was evaluated.

A highly significant difference was observed among genotypes for both callus induction and plant regeneration (P<0.01). In callus induction phase, “Nemat” and “Cheram-2” cultivars were superior for callus diameter, having 4.83 and 4.6 mm callus diameter, respectively. “Nemat”, “Cheram-2”, “Sepidrood” and “Taroum” cultivars as well as “33IRCTN91” and “IRFAON-30” lines were significantly superior to other cultivars for callus fresh weight. Among the genotypes “Nemat”, “Zayandehrood”, “33IRCTN91” had the highest percentage of callus water contents. Based on plant regeneration, “33IRCTN91” line and “Anbarbo”, “Nemat”, “Cheram-2” and “Taroum” cultivars showed highest rate of plant regeneration from callus. Significant differences were observed among media. While MS and N6 media did not showed any significant differences for callus diameter, callus fresh weight and rate of plant regeneration, they were superior to LS medium (P<0.01). According to percentage of callus water content, MS and LS media ranked the best and the most inferior medium, respectively. In the present study, MS and N6 media were considered as suitable in vitro culture media of rice immature embryos. Among genotypes, “Nemat” and “Cheram-2” cultivars were ranked the best for both callus induction and plant regeneration. Also, the used Japonica rice cultivars were superior for percentage of plant regeneration. The calculated correlation coefficients between traits showed a non-significant correlation between callus induction and plant regeneration, which, in turn, indicated that these traits were independent.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2001/01/15

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