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The Role of Electrocoagulation and Complementary Flocculation in Reducing the COD of Wastewater Detergents for Irrigation Use (99441 Views)
Evaluation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Karon dar Kavir) Stress Tolerance to Cl/SO4 Anionic Ratio of Irrigation Water (83834 Views)
Clay Mineralogy of Gypsiferous Soil Developed on Different Landforms in the Eastern Part of Isfahan (77324 Views)
Genesis and Micromorphology of Saline and Gypsiferous Aridisols on Different Geomorphic Surfaces in Nough Area, Rafsanjan (69999 Views)
Calcification of Soils in a Toposequence Under Semi-arid Conditions of Kermanshah, Iran (68827 Views)
Activity of Cellulolytic Enzymes Immobilized on Some Organic and Inorganic Matter of Soil (61602 Views)
Effects of Feeding Ground Wheat Grain on Health and Performance of Dairy Cows in Peripartum Period (58759 Views)
Estimation of Field Capacity and Permanent Wilting Point from Some Soil Physical and Chemical Properties (58002 Views)
Purification and Partial Characterization of Polygalacturonase From Virulent Isolate Of Ascochyta rabiei (IK06): Causal Agent of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea (56354 Views)
Inventorying and Mapping of Natural Forest Stands of Zanjan Province Using Landsat ETM+ Image Data (55147 Views)
Evaluation of Sediment Trap Efficiency in Small Dam Reservoirs (54090 Views)
Bioclimatic Classification of Chahar-Mahal & Bakhtiari Province Using Multivariate Statistical Methods (53684 Views)
The Effect of NH4/NO3 Ratio on Growth and Yield of Some Different Strawberry Cultivars (Fragaria xananassa Duch.) (52044 Views)
Effect of Garbage Leachate on Yield and Chemical Composition of Corn and the Effect of Leachate Residual on Soil Characteristics (50508 Views)
Effect of Application of Compost and Vermicompost Enriched with Chemical Fertilizer and Manure on Some Biological Indicators of Soil Quality of Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Rhizosphere (49826 Views)
Effect of Acetone in Controlling Stored Pest insects (49358 Views)
Evaluating Variability of Important Agronomic Traits and Drought Tolerant Criteria in Sunflower Cultivars (49265 Views)
Tillage and Tractor Effects on Bulk Density, Cone Index and Structural Stability of a Sandy Loam Soil (48923 Views)
Replacement of Corn with Millet and the Effect of Animal Fat (Tallow) in Laying Hens' Diet (48571 Views)
Impacts of Converting Rangelands to Cultivated Land on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils in West and Southwest of Isfahan (48086 Views)
Geomorphological Characteristics of Claypan and Their Impacts on Land Degradation Using GIS Techniques. A Case Study: Rodasht Area (Esfahan-Iran) (47643 Views)
The Effect of Plant Density on Yield and Production of Essential Oil of Peppermint ( Mentha piperita L.). (47090 Views)
Mechanical Properties of Concrete Canal Lining Containing Rice Husk Ash in Sulfate Environments (47040 Views)
Effect of Sugar Plant Effluent on Shoot Solute Percentage, Yield and Yield Components of Two Wheat Cultivars (46848 Views)
Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Iranian and Exotic Tall Fescue Germplasm (46734 Views)
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:: Most Downloaded Articles
Evaluating the Rate of Atmospheric Dust Deposition in Different Locations of Kerman City (264693 Downloads)
Estimation of Mean Daily Soil Temperature by Means of Meteorological Data in Some Selected Climates of Iran (17182 Downloads)
Optimization of Traditional Production Process of Rock Candy (15835 Downloads)
Evaluation of α-Amylase, Lipase and Lipoxygenase Activity in Wheat Flour before and after Germination (15479 Downloads)
Application of Time Series Modeling to Investigate Future Climatic Parameters Trend for Water Resources Management Purposes (13958 Downloads)
Determination of Animal Unit Size and Animal Unit Requirement of Fashandy Sheep Breed Grazing on Rangelands (Case Study: Taleghan) (13859 Downloads)
Application of Multi Temporal Remote Sensing for Precision Farming (13796 Downloads)
Estimating Soil- Moisture Characteristic Curve Based on Soil Particle Size Distribution Curve and Bulk Density (13216 Downloads)
A Survey of Most Suitable Irrigation Scheduling and Effect of Drought Stress on Yield for Summer Corn (SC.704) with Class A Evaporation Pan in Ahvaz (13173 Downloads)
Comparison of Support Vector Machine and Neural Network Classification Methods in Land Use Information Extraction through Landsat TM Data (12762 Downloads)
Evaluating of Efficiency of Three Halophyte Plants for Reduction of Soil Exchangeable Sodium (ESP) and Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) Contamination (12380 Downloads)
Improving Soybean Water Use Efficiency Using Partial Root Drying (12212 Downloads)
Estimation of Blue Water and Green Water Using SWAT Model in Hamadan-Bahar Watershed (12182 Downloads)
An Investigation into Pollution of Selected Heavy Metals of Surface Soils in Hamadan Province Using Pollution Index (12082 Downloads)
Identification of Artificial Recharge Sites Using Fuzzy Logic in Shahrekord Basin (12014 Downloads)
Distribution of Nickel, Manganese and Cadmium in Soil and Crops in the Mobarakeh Steel Plant Region (11913 Downloads)
The Effect of Some Soil Characteristics on Range Vegetation Distribution in Central Zagros, Iran (11535 Downloads)
Effects of Beet Bulp Substituted for Barley Grain in Ration of Overconditioned Cows at the Late Lactation on Productivity,BCS and Blood Metabolites (11517 Downloads)
Effect of Foliar and Soil Application of Zinc and Copper on Some Quantitative and Qualitative Properties of Pistachio Trees (11141 Downloads)
Marketing of Dutch Roses in County of Isfahan (10297 Downloads)
Assessment of Food Products and Virtual Water Trade as Related to Available Water Resources in Iran (10274 Downloads)
Analyzing the Relationship Between Dust Storm Occurrence and Climatic Parameters (10257 Downloads)
Addition of Tomato Peel and Seed to Tomato Ketchup for Improving Its Nutritional Value and Rheological Properties (10227 Downloads)
Assessment of Soil Intrinsic Properties Effects on Soil Structural Stability of Some Soils in Hamadan Province (10183 Downloads)
Regional Flood Frequency Analysis in Zayandeh-Roud Watershed Using the Hybrid Method (9818 Downloads)
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