Volume 16, Issue 60 (Summer 2012)                   jwss 2012, 16(60): 57-68 | Back to browse issues page

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, a.pirzad@urmia.ac.ir
Abstract:   (19570 Views)
To evaluate effect of different irrigation regimes and mycorrhizal fungi on the growth and yield of mungbean NM92 [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczk], a field experiment was conducted in split plot arrangements using randomized complete block design (Irrigation after 50, 100, 150 and 200 mm evaporation from pan class A as main plots and mycorrhiza species, Glomus mosseae, G. intraradices and a non-inoculated treatment as sub-plots) with three replications at the Research field of Urmia university in 2009. Results showed that irrigation after 50mm evaporation from pan class A, and plant inoculated with G. intraradices produced the highest grain yield (1678.5 kg/ha and 1537.6 kg/ha, respectively), total dry weight, leaf dry weight, leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate. In Contrast, irrigation after 200 mm evaporation from class A pan and non-inoculated treatment produced the lowest grain yeild (1159.2 and 1301.9 kg/ha, respectively). Reducing the irrigation distance led to an increase in total dry weight, leaf dry weight, leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate. Despite lower grain yield in water deficit condition, AM fungi inoculation significantly reduced the effect of stress on grain yield. All inall, both mycorrhizae species significantly (P 0.05) increased the grain yield of mungbean under well-watered and water deficit conditions
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2012/09/11 | Published: 2012/07/15

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